Montréal, June 23, 2004 - Vidéotron, the Québec leader in high-speed Internet access, has announced the launch of Vidéotron WebMail, a free service that enables subscribers to its cable Internet service to access their existing e-mail accounts from a remote location. The service, which is operational starting today, will be useful for customers who want to be able to pick up, send and manage e-mail messages, including multimedia files, anytime, anywhere, at their convenience, when they travel for business or pleasure.
WebMail is a Web-based e-mail service that can be used from any computer connected to the Internet. Vidéotron subscribers need only go to using their browser, log in with their user name and enter their password.
WebMail is an extension of Vidéotron's existing e-mail service and supports all its features, including address book creation and editing. The interface is ad-free and no promotional signature is added to e-mail messages. Vidéotron WebMail uses effective anti-virus and anti-spam filters to provide users with the same level of security to which they are accustomed.
In May 2004, Vidéotron made a considerable investment to introduce one of the most effective anti-virus and anti-spam systems in the world.
Our prime goal is to give both residential and business subscribers easier and faster access to the many advantages of Vidéotron's cable Internet service, said Stéphane Gendron, Senior Director, Marketing, Internet Products. WebMail demonstrates, once again, Vidéotron's responsiveness to consumer needs.
Vidéotron developed the new service in conjunction with Sun Microsystems of Canada. Web mail is one of the core functionalities of the Sun Java Enterprise System.
Vidéotron, a pioneer in high-speed Internet access service, became the first ISP in Québec to offer high-speed service eight years ago. In April 2004, Vidéotron lengthened its lead over competitive services by increasing the download speed on its high-speed service to 4.1 mbps, the fastest service available in Québec. On April 20, it launched its wireless Internet (WiFi) service in Québec, which makes it possible to access the Internet quickly, easily and securely from any location with a Vidéotron wireless highspeed Internet access point. On May 6, Vidéotron launched its Speed on Demand service, which lets subscribers to its cable Internet service increase their access speed for 48 hours.
Vidéotron ltée, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Quebecor Media Inc., is an integrated communications company engaged in cable television, interactive multimedia development and Internet access services. Vidéotron is a leader in new technologies with its illico interactive television system and its broadband network, which supports high-speed cable Internet access, analog and digital cable television, and other services. Vidéotron serves 1,437,000 cable customers in Québec; including over 273,000 illico subscribers. Vidéotron is also the Québec leader in high-speed cable Internet access, with more than 460,000 subscribers to its cable modem and dial-up services.