We are proud of the work we do every day to honour our commitment.
Videotron is involved in the community on an ongoing basis. We make a point of giving employees opportunities to do likewise in order to maximize the positive social and environmental impacts.
See Quebecor’s environmental policy here.
To learn more about corporate social responsibility at Quebecor, click here.
Groupe AFFI and Videotron: long-time partners in social engagement
For more than 45 years, Videotron has trusted Groupe AFFI to assemble and pack its shipments. AFFI is an industrial subcontractor that employs mostly people with functional limitations. Like Videotron, Groupe AFFI sees its people as a family. It attaches great importance to offering its employees opportunities to develop their full potential, professionally and personally, in an environment where they can apply their talents every day.
Videotron is proud to be a committed member of the community and to support the self-realization of Groupe AFFI’s employees through this major partnership.

Quebecor aims to go 100% electric!
Videotron is committed to stepping up the electrification of its vehicles in order to electrify 100% of its fleet of more than 900 vehicles by 2030.
While working to reduce the size of its fleet, Videotron will replace more than 100 gas and/or diesel-powered vehicles with electric vehicles by 2025 and convert more than 100 trucks by equipping them with electric motors.
This is in addition to our existing measures: the use of telemetry, eco-driving training for drivers, and the installation of electric systems in our trucks.
This undertaking will substantially reduce the company’s greenhouse gas emissions and help reduce local air and noise pollution in the areas we serve.

We Recycle program
Videotron set up the We Recycle program to enable its customers to make a practical contribution to environmental protection by giving their obsolete equipment the second chance it deserves. Consumers are welcome to bring their used equipment to Videotron stores.
Recycling electronics for the benefit the community
Videotron is proud of its 10-year association with SIT Mauricie, an organization dedicated to responsible management of electronic materials from construction projects, network maintenance and customer returns. SIT Mauricie’s mission is to support the social integration, labour market re-entry and wellness of people with mental health issues in the Mauricie area. Employees of the centre sort and disassemble electronic materials in order to give them a new lease on life through reuse, recycling, and recovery.

Sign up for online billing
Every year, an information campaign is held to encourage our customers to sign up for online billing in order to reduce paper consumption.
In 2018, Videotron made a commitment to donate $5 to the Fondation CHU Sainte-Justine for every customer who registers for online billing. A grand total of $101,270 was raised for the foundation, whose mission is to ensure that children and mothers at Ste-Justine hospital receive the best care anywhere, now and in the future.

A magical Christmas at Videotron
For nine years now, two Videotron employees have been proud to spearhead Noël Magique, an initiative that encourages their co-workers to buy a gift for disadvantaged children in the Montréal and Pointe-aux-Trembles areas during the holday season.
The effort supports three organizations that have been assisting families for many years: Carrefour familial les Pitchou, the Rosalie-Jetté high school for pregnant teens and young mothers,and the Dalauze shelter.

Energy efficiency
- Gradual introduction of air conditioners that use air from outside to cool equipment rooms.
- Possible selection of a low-environmental impact CO2 refrigeration system for equipment rooms.
- Cold aisle and cabinet containment to improve energy efficiency in equipment rooms.
- Replacement and updating of generators to allow for more efficient and less polluting equipment.
- Optimization of heating and cooling systems at Videotron offices.

Employee involvement
Videotron can depend on its “Green ambassadors” to sensitize their teams to the importance of social responsibility by promoting various initiatives and making their co-workers aware of the company’s environmental programs.
Every year, a hundred or so Videotron employees come together to volunteer with local organizations, such as Moisson Montréal and Le Chaînon. Among other things, they assemble Christmas baskets and wrap presents for disadvantaged families.

Responsible procurement
The Supplier Code of Conduct supports our efforts to ensure sound management all along our supply chain.
Videotron’s approach to responsible procurement is based on the inclusion of sustainable development criteria in calls to tender and contracts.
Requests for donations and sponsorship
As the partner of Quebecers’ connected lives, Videotron is a committed member of the community. Videotron, like Quebecor and its subsidiaries, donates to community organizations dedicated to helping children and families in need and to supporting environmental protection.
Any donation or sponsorship request must be made using this form or by writing to:
Quebecor Inc.
Direction of Philanthropy and Sponsorships
612 Saint-Jacques St.
Montréal, Québec
H3C 4M8
Every request must include an overview of the organization and its mission, audited financial statements (if available), and a description of the project or intended purpose and other partners involved. It should also include a contact name and their contact information.