Videotron employees serve up the best technology and entertainment experience

May 12, 2008 - Press Release

Montréal, May 13, 2008 — Videotron launches a new corporate advertising campaign turning the spotlight on the employees who deliver the best customer experience in the realm of entertainment and hi-tech. "This new campaign will show all Quebecers how Videotron's people apply their talents and creativity to provide the technological and entertainment services that our customers so appreciate," said Claude Foisy, Vice President, Brand Management and Content, Videotron. "We felt it was time to highlight the excellent work our employees do behind the scenes and explain how we have achieved a 97%* customer satisfaction rate."

The infinite power of people, the infinite power of cable
The new campaign lifts the curtain on the intricately orchestrated efforts of the employees who produce Videotron's hi-tech offerings and provide excellent customer service to cement the strong 40-year relationship between Videotron and its 1.6 million clients. It features slogans such as "The infinite power of people, the infinite power of cable" and "Some people know how to use technology to turn every second into a unique experience: they work for us, they do it for you," paying tribute to the secret army behind Videotron's success of recent years, the talented employees who enable the company to deliver the best in entertainment and technology.

The Bleublancrouge agency, chosen by Videotron in January to design the campaign, has managed to convey the essence of Videotron's offering: full satisfaction for every customer. That is the goal pursued by all of Videotron's people in every department, from IT and finance to customer service and communications.

“This was an exciting challenge for us,” said Benoit Chapellier, Executive Vice President, Consulting Services, Bleublancrouge. “Like everyone in Québec, the creative staff at Bleublancrouge know Videotron as a provider of tech services, but when it came time to encapsulate the work of thousands of workers and translate their products and services into images and sound, we soon realized the scope of the challenge. I am very pleased with the result and I am confident that the millions of Quebecers who see this campaign will be impressed by the work of Videotron's people."

Friendly Videotron technician is not history
Other materials based on the campaign theme are currently being development and will be rolled out in the course of the year. The ads featuring the affable Videotron technician and his friend at customer service will continue to run alongside Videotron's new campaign.

Media are invited to download the new ad from
User name: AffCorpMedias
Password: !medias!

Agency: Bleublancrouge
Consultants: Benoit Chapellier, Jean-Éric Tousignant, Nathalie Roberge
Creative directors: Sébastien Maheux, Jean-François Le Blanc
Designer/copywriter: Mélanie Delisle
Artistic director: Marc Guilbault

Production house: TVAccès
Producer: Mathieu Bouthillette
Account manager: Marjolaine Leclerc
Director of Photography: François Dutil
Director: Christian Langlois

Post-production and 3D: Fly – Jean-Pierre Boies
Sonart – Yan Dal Santo
Music: FM LeSieur

* Léger Marketing 2007

Videotron Ltd. (, a wholly owned subsidiary of Quebecor Media Inc., is an integrated communications company engaged in cable television, interactive multimedia development, Internet access services, cable telephony and wireless telephone service. Videotron is a leader in new technologies with its illico interactive television system and its broadband network, which supports high-speed cable Internet access, analog and digital cable television, and other services. As of March 31, 2008, Videotron was serving 1,652,200 cable television customers in Québec, including 802,800 illico Digital TV subscribers. Videotron is the Québec leader in high-speed Internet access, with 965,300 subscribers to its cable modem service. As of March 31, 2008, Videotron had activated 49,900 lines on its wireless telephone service and was providing cable telephone service to nearly 691,600 Québec households and organizations.

Press inquiries

Véronique Mercier

Vice-president, Communications QMI