Strategy Magazine awards: Videotron named “Brand of the Year 2011”

October 14, 2011 - Press Release

Montréal, October 14, 2011 — In its October issue, Strategy Magazine named Videotron “Brand of the Year 2011” for its stand-out position in a fiercely competitive market. The brand's exceptional growth and successful move into the mobile market, supported by an effective marketing campaign, caught the editorial board's eye. Videotron was up against a long list of Canadian companies.

Strategy Magazine notes that Videotron boasts a 97% customer satisfaction rate and a branding strategy that goes well beyond advertising. Videotron's branding efforts revolve around the company's close relationship with customers and its focus on customer needs. Strategy Magazine cites innovative campaigns such as “The end of time is near” (for the 3G launch) and the commercials featuring prank calls to customer service (for 2011 moving season), as well as the opening of the flagship store in Montréal in order to connect directly with customers.

“We are proud of the ‘Brand of the Year 2011’ title because our branding is based, first and foremost, on our mission to provide the best customer experience and deliver on our promises. Over the years, we have developed a relationship of trust with the public and we will continue our efforts to keep that trust,” said Claude Foisy, Vice President, Brand Management, of Videotron.

Strategy Magazine is already available at newsstands and online at

Videotron (, a wholly owned subsidiary of Quebecor Media Inc., is an integrated communications company engaged in cable television, interactive multimedia development, and Internet access, cable telephone and mobile telephone services. Videotron is a leader in new technologies with its interactive Digital TV service and its broadband network, which supports high-speed cable Internet access, analog and digital cable television, and other services. As of June 30, 2011, Videotron was serving 1,800,700 cable television customers, including 1,270,400 subscribers to its digital service. Videotron is also the Québec leader in high-speed Internet access, with 1,266,500 subscribers to its cable service as of June 30, 2011. As of the same date, Videotron had 210,600 subscriber connections to its mobile telephone service and was providing cable telephone service to 1,141,600 Québec households and organizations. For the sixth consecutive year, Videotron was named Québec's most respected telecommunications company by Les Affaires magazine, based on a Léger Marketing survey.
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Véronique Mercier

Vice-president, Communications QMI