Watch Céline Dion's concert LIVE from Québec in high definition from the comfort of your living room

August 17, 2008 - Press Release

Montréal, August 18, 2008 – For the second time this summer, Videotron customers will have front-row seats to a headline event during Québec City's 400th anniversary celebration: subscribers to illico Digital TV will be able to watch Céline Dion's concert on the Plains of Abraham on Friday, August 22, LIVE in the comfort of their living rooms on Indigo, or the next day on illico on Demand. Céline's special guests at this unique event will include Claude Dubois, Zachary Richard, Éric Lapointe, Garou, Nanette Workman, Marc Dupré, Dan Bigras, the band Mes Aïeux, The Dion family and Jean-Pierre Ferland.

"Videotron is pleased to offer its illico Digital TV customers across Québec the best in entertainment via its advanced technology,” said Claude Foisy, Vice President, Brand Management and Content. "Thanks to illico, some 2.5 million people will have a chance to be part of the action when Céline, her guests and tens of thousands of people assemble on the Plains of Abraham for this memorable, one-time event, which is sure to be one of the highlights of Québec City's 400th birthday bash.”

Live in high definition on Canal Indigo
Canal Indigo will carry the premiere of the Céline Dion concert, uncut, in both high definition and standard formats. Subscribers to illico Digital TV equipped with a high-definition set-top box will therefore be able to watch this memorable event live in HD on Canal Indigo.

The live broadcast will start at 8:30 p.m. (channel 301, channel 750 for HD) and will be available for $19.99.

Viewers who miss the live show will be able to catch the concert starting the next day on illico on Demand (channel 900) for $19.99 in either standard or high definition format. Subscribers will be able to watch the concert as many times as they wish during the 24-hour length of the illico on Demand rental.

illico's popularity continues to grow
In April 2008, Videotron announced that the number of installed illico set-top boxes in its service area had passed the 1 million mark.

Videotron Ltd. (, a wholly owned subsidiary of Quebecor Media Inc., is an integrated communications company engaged in cable television, interactive multimedia development, Internet access services, cable telephony and wireless telephone service. Videotron is a leader in new technologies with its illico interactive television system and its broadband network, which supports high-speed cable Internet access, analog and digital cable television, and other services. As of June 30, 2008, Videotron was serving 1,660,000 cable television customers in
Québec, including 830,500 illico Digital TV subscribers. As of the same date, Videotron had activated 54,600 lines on its wireless telephone service and was providing cable telephone service to approximately 742,900 Québec households and organizations. Videotron is the Québec leader in high-speed Internet access, with 1,000,000 subscribers to its cable modem service as of July 18, 2008. 

Press inquiries

Véronique Mercier

Vice-president, Communications QMI