Videotron Business Solutions offers customers Microsoft Office 365

May 11, 2016 - Press Release

Montréal, May 11, 2016 – As part of its ongoing drive to make life simpler for businesses and provide the best solutions to support their growth, Videotron Business Solutions is now offering its business customers all the products in the Microsoft Office 365 suite. Among other things, the service allows users simple, efficient and highly secure access to their email, Office applications and collaborative tools anywhere and on any device. Moreover, the Videotron Business Solutions team will support businesses that choose Office 365 in every stage of the transition.

Microsoft and Videotron Business Solutions: Partners for growth
“Today, more than 125,000 businesses place their trust in us and it is above all because of our ability to be partners in their growth by providing increasingly expansive products and solutions that fit their needs,” said Jean Novak, President of Videotron Business Solutions. “More than ever, the cloud is helping business customers become more productive. By offering solutions such as Office 365 which take mobile connectivity to the next level, Videotron Business Solutions is demonstrating the depth of its expertise and its ability to provide customized solutions integrated into its customers' telecommunications services.”

“Videotron shares our passion for customer experience and we are proud that they have chosen one of our cloud computing products as part of their suite of products,” says Janet Kennedy, president, Microsoft Canada. “The ability to access data from anywhere in the world is important and is a real vector for growth and efficiency. Through this launch, Videotron Business Solutions demonstrates their focus on propelling their business forward and driving future development.”

Turnkey solutions
The Videotron Business Solutions team will support businesses that choose Office 365 in every stage of the transition. Customers will be able to count on the expertise of a dedicated team throughout the migration process, full assistance in integrating these solutions into their operations, and recognized, bilingual 24/7 technical support. This service complements Videotron Business Solutions' array of initiatives designed to make life easier for customers, such as the recently launched Smart Migration program, which supports businesses through every stage of a service migration and helps maintain business continuity.

Mobile office at your fingertips
Office 365 is the quintessential mobile office tool. Its components let businesses host their email in the cloud and make use of the latest Microsoft Office software (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, etc.). Other functionalities are also available to business customers who wish to enjoy the full capabilities of Office 365. For example, with a monthly subscription, they can access the OneDrive file storage system and SharePoint collaborative solutions.

Videotron (, a wholly owned subsidiary of Quebecor Media Inc., is an integrated communications company engaged in cable television, interactive multimedia development, Internet access, cable telephone and mobile telephone services. Videotron is a leader in new technologies with its illico interactive television service and its broadband network, which supports high-speed cable Internet access, analog and digital cable television, and other services. As of December 31, 2015, Videotron was serving 1,736,900 cable television customers, including 1,570,600 Digital TV subscribers. Videotron is also the Québec leader in high-speed Internet access, with 1,568,200 subscribers to its cable service as of December 31, 2015. As of the same date, Videotron had 768,600 subscriber connections to its mobile telephone service and was providing cable telephone service to 1,316,300 Québec households and organizations. For the eleventh consecutive year, Videotron was ranked as Québec's most respected telecommunications company, based on a Léger survey.

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Véronique Mercier

Vice-president, Communications QMI