Innovating to deliver a better Wi-Fi experience: Videotron offers customers exclusive new Wi-Fi router

May 27, 2014 - Press Release

Montréal, May 28, 2014 — Delivering on its commitment to innovation and to anticipating its customers' needs, Videotron is offering a new generation Wi-Fi router that supports the latest wireless technology, the 802.11ac standard. The state-of-the-art router, available exclusively to Videotron customers, is the first to be offered to consumers and businesses by a major Internet Service Provider. It features a greater range and faster speeds than previous generations of routers. Combined with Videotron's Optimum Wi-Fi Service and its high-speed Internet access service, the new generation router provides Videotron customers with THE best Wi-Fi experience in every part of their home or business.

Innovating to offer superior Wi-Fi technology
Developed specifically for Videotron customers in partnership with ZyXEL, the new generation Wi-Fi router is ideal for homes and businesses where several users share a single Internet connection. It uses the latest technology to provide an optimal Wi-Fi experience. Videotron customers will get high-end equipment accompanied by remote diagnostics from a technical support team composed of dedicated professionals.

The ZyXEL router offered by Videotron supports 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz wireless networks simultaneously, limiting interference and lag. For example, a user can play a game online while watching an HD film or multimedia content on the Web at the same time.

The new generation Wi-Fi router is the ideal tool for sharing an Internet connection at home or in the workplace. It is also equipped with Qualcomm's Streamboost technology, which helps users manage their Wi-Fi network effectively. Among other things, Streamboost displays a list of connected devices along with usage and bandwidth monitoring information.

Worry-free Wi-Fi experience with the Optimum Wi-Fi Service
The Optimum Wi-Fi Service, another Videotron innovation, sends a specially trained technician to customers' premises to optimize their Wi-Fi setup and help them enjoy the full power of their Internet access service in every room of their home or business.

The ZyXEL Wi-Fi router is available for only $99.95 retail. Videotron customers can also lease it for $4.99 per month.

For more information on the new router, visit or

Videotron (, a wholly owned subsidiary of Quebecor Media Inc., is an integrated communications company engaged in cable television, interactive multimedia development, and Internet access, cable telephone and mobile telephone services. Videotron is a leader in new technologies with its illico interactive television service and its broadband network, which supports high-speed cable Internet access, analog and digital cable television, and other services. As of March 31, 2014, Videotron was serving 1,811,100 cable television customers, including 1,532,700 subscribers to Digital TV. Videotron is also the Québec leader in high-speed Internet access, with 1,419,200 subscribers to its cable service as of March 31, 2014. As of the same date, Videotron had 521,600 subscriber connections to its mobile telephone service and was providing cable telephone service to 1,280,400 Québec households and organizations. For the ninth consecutive year, Videotron was ranked as Québec's most respected telecommunications company, based on a Léger survey.

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Véronique Mercier

Vice-president, Communications QMI