Incoming calls on the customer's television screen? Yes, thanks to illico Caller ID!

August 6, 2008 - Press Release

Montreal, August 7, 2008 – Videotron has announced the introduction of illico Caller ID, a new feature that will enable customers who subscribe to both Videotron's cable telephone service and its illico Digital TV service to see the names and numbers of callers on their television screen. Customers can then decide whether to take the call or continue watching television and let the call go to their voice box.

"Illico Caller ID is an excellent example of technological convergence," said Manon Brouillette, Senior Vice President, Strategic Development and marketing. "Our one-stop shopping concept gives customers the benefits of bundled services, delivered over a robust and reliable network that supports an array of convergent, state-of-the-art functionalities. Illico Caller ID will help our customers manage their leisure time by displaying the caller's identity on the television screen, even before it appears on the telephone's display screen."

Illico Caller ID can be remotely activated without any physical adjustment. Any subscriber to Videotron cable telephone service with the Call Display feature who has a compatible illico set-top box can sign up for the illico Caller ID option. All recent illico set-top boxes support illico Caller ID.

Flexible functionalities
Illico Caller ID adjusts to the customer's lifestyle. For example, subscribers can deactivate it while watching a movie, use it on several illico set-top boxes, or have two telephone lines and manage the numbers independently using the call log.

Illico Caller ID can be added to Videotron cable telephone service for $2 per month, with the first three months free. illico Digital TV subscribers who are also subscribed to Videotron cable telephone service with the 5-feature package can add illico Caller ID at no extra charge, ever. Full details are available on

Videotron Ltd. (, a wholly owned subsidiary of Quebecor Media Inc., is an integrated communications company engaged in cable television, interactive multimedia development, Internet access services, cable telephony and wireless telephone service. Videotron is a leader in new technologies with its illico interactive television system and its broadband network, which supports high-speed cable Internet access, analog and digital cable television, and other services. As of June 30, 2008, Videotron was serving 1,660,000 cable television customers in Québec, including 830,500 illico Digital TV subscribers. As of June 30, 2008, Videotron had activated 54,600 lines on its wireless telephone service and was providing cable telephone service to nearly 742,900 Québec households and organizations. Videotron is the Québec leader in high-speed Internet access, with 1,000,000 subscribers to its cable modem service, as of July 18, 2008.

You can download photo of Videotron's illico Caller ID at the following address:, User name : AffCorpMedias, Password : !medias! 

Press inquiries

Véronique Mercier

Vice-president, Communications QMI