Honoured by the Women's Executive Network (WXN): Manon Brouillette among Canada's 100 most powerful women

November 26, 2014 - Press Release

Montréal, November 27, 2014 – Videotron has picked up another honour. Its President and CEO, Manon Brouillette, appears on the prestigious Canada's Most Powerful Women: Top 100 list published by the Women's Executive Network (WXN). The award celebrates the professional accomplishments of women with strong leadership skills in the private, public and non-profit sectors across the country.

“I am honoured to be chosen by the Women's Executive Network and to be listed among a group of such remarkable women,” said Manon Brouillette. “I would like to share this distinction with my team. Behind this award lies the work and passion of 6,000 employees who have succeeded in positioning Videotron as a dominant player in telecommunications and entertainment.”

Remarkable career path
The recognition by WXN comes only a few months after Ms. Brouillette received the Germaine-Gibara leadership award in the large company category, bestowed by the Fédération des chambres de commerce du Québec.

“Manon is a true leader in the telecommunications industry and an incredible source of inspiration for all who aspire to high positions,” said Pierre Dion, President and CEO of Quebecor and Quebecor Media. “She is an executive with vision and the ability to motivate. For more than 10 years, she has been part of the resounding successes Videotron has achieved despite a highly competitive, fast-changing environment. Everyone at Quebecor and Videotron joins me in extending hearty congratulations to Manon.”

Innovation at the top
Since May 2013, as President and CEO of Videotron, Manon Brouillette has headed a company with annual sales of $2.7 billion. She joined Videotron in 2004 at the age of 36 as Vice President, Marketing & Product Development. At the time, she was the youngest member of Videotron senior management. She quickly distinguished herself by virtue of her natural leadership skills, business acumen, and ability to pursue a far-sighted strategic vision.

Over the past 10 years, she has played a key role in Videotron's phenomenal growth, successfully spearheading some of the most important projects in the company's history, including Videotron's entry into the mobile market in record time, the launch of its cable telephone service, the development of Ultimate Speed Internet access services and the introduction of illico TV new generation, illico mobile and Club illico.

For more information on Canada's Most Powerful Women: Top 100, visit https://www.wxnetwork.com/top-100-women/

Videotron (www.videotron.com), a wholly owned subsidiary of Quebecor Media Inc., is an integrated communications company engaged in cable television, interactive multimedia development, and Internet access, cable telephone and mobile telephone services. Videotron is a leader in new technologies with its illico interactive television service and its broadband network, which supports high-speed cable Internet access, analog and digital cable television, and other services. As of September 30, 2014, Videotron was serving 1,796,300 cable television customers, including 1,549,000 Digital TV subscribers. Videotron is also the Québec leader in high-speed Internet access, with 1,432,300 subscribers to its cable service as of September 30, 2014. As of the same date, Videotron had 589,400 subscriber connections to its mobile telephone service and was providing cable telephone service to 1,286,200 Québec households and organizations. For the ninth consecutive year, Videotron was ranked as Québec's most respected telecommunications company, based on a Léger survey.

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Press inquiries

Véronique Mercier

Vice-president, Communications QMI
